Výběrová řízení
Mikrobiologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. vyhlašuje v souladu se zákonem č. 283/1992 Sb. o Akademii věd České republiky, ve znění zákona č. 420/2005 Sb. a Stanov AV ČR výběrové řízení na pozici Postdoc in Biogeography of Soil Bacteria.
Laboratory of Environmental Microbiology
Postdoc in Biogeography of Soil Bacteria
Job description
In contrast to vertebrates or plants, the biogeography of microbes is far less understood. It is not surprising if we consider how difficult is to observe them in the environment and how challenging it is to work with organisms that can reach the abundance of several billion individuals in a single gram of soil. The rapid growth and evolution, often simple reproduction and excellent ability to disperse set bacteria aside from larger organisms in terms of community assembly. Fortunately, current data and tools make it possible to discover and describe the rules driving microbial biogeography and dispersal, map their diversity and predict their future in a changing climate. If you wish to be involved, this position is just for you.
We are looking for a motivated postdoctoral fellow. The project will analyse biogeography of soil bacteria from local to global scales, map it and compare it with biogeography of fungi. The postdoctoral fellow will be involved in the compilation and statistical analysis of biogeographic data for bacteria (geographic distributions, environmental preferences, community composition, diversity patterns) as well as, to a limited extent, in environmental sampling and generation of new data to test research hypotheses. The project will benefit from our ongoing collaborations with several international institutions (Jyväskylä University, Technical University Dresden, ETH Switzerland, S-BiK Frankfurt, UBC Vancouver, CMEC Copenhagen).
- PhD degree in the field of biogeography, ecology, microbiology, or similar
- Advanced skills in data analysis (R scripting, GIS, regression analyses, etc.)
- First-authored papers in leading interdisciplinary journals or high-ranking IF journals in the fields of biogeography, ecology and microbiology
- Excellence in English and good communication skills
- Motivation for scientific work within the frames of the project
- During the appointment, the person will be based in the Czech Republic
We offer
- Work in an inspiring and friendly environment of an international team of the Laboratory of Environmental Microbiology of the Institute of Microbiology in Prague, in the Czech Republic – see https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Petr-Baldrian and https://machac.weebly.com/
- The work destination in Prague, Czech Republic with an excellent life quality combining safe and attractive environment and moderate living costs
- 30 days of vacation per year
- Flexible working hours
- Contributions from the social fund (meal vouchers and additional benefits after the first year of employment)
Additional information
The position is offered for an initial period of two years but may be extended.
The position is open until filled; starting date is negotiable.
How to apply
Please send your Curriculum Vitae, motivation letter and contacts for at least two independent professionals (such as PhD or postdoc supervisors) who can provide reference.
For more information, please contact Petr Baldrian (baldrian@biomed.cas.cz).
Contact details:
Petr Baldrian, Institute of Microbiology Czech Academy of Sciences Vídeňská 1083, 142 20 Prague 4, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 723770570 Email: baldrian@biomed.cas.cz
Uzávěrka přihlášek: 31. 12. 2025
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