Helena Petrův: Právní postavení židů v Protektorátu Čechy a Morava (1939 -1941)

The Legal Status of the Jews in the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia (1939 - 1941)
The former volume of the ground-breaking publication of the collected materials to the legislation discriminated Jews in Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia untill the year 1942. Author classified and summarized laws and regulations rescricted step by step the life of Jews by its topics.
Institut Terezínské iniciativy - Sefer, Praha 2000, 175 stran. ISBN 80-85924-25-0
The publicaiton is sold out.
The expanded version of the publication titled Zákonné bezpráví. Židé v Protektorátu Čechy a Morava (Legal Injustice. Jews in the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia (1939 - 1941) was publihed by Auditorium publishing house in 2012. We do not distribute the publication, you can buy it by internet bookstore kosmas.cz or in regular bookstores.
More information about the publication on the publisher's website (in Czech).