Database of victims of the national socialist persecution of „gypsies“

Project objective

The project „Database of victims of the national socialist persecution of ‚gypsies‘“ contributes to the documentation of the identity and lives of those who were persecuted as so-called „Zigeuner“ on racial grounds by the National Socialists and whose fates were connected with the territory of the contemporary Czech Republic.
By systematically collecting and making available data and documents, photographs and further materials about individuals, who were persectued on racial grounds due to them being Roma or Sinti, the project aims to strenghten awareness about the genocide of Roma and Sinti in the context of Central Europe‘s modern history. Beyond that, the project aims to stimulate a broader discussion about the meaning of commemorating the events of World War II, especially taking into consideration their roots and consequences for the formation of identity of all groups in our region – as well of those belonging to society‘s majority as well as those part of minority communities – and supports the improvement of mutual relations among all groups.

1st phase

1. 6. 2016 – 31. 5. 2018


Project activities


  1. Processing of the materials made available or created by the historian Ctibor Nečas on the victims of the national socialist persecution of „gypsies“
  2. Research of relevant archival materials in Czech archives (The National Archives Prague, Moravian Provincial Archives in Brno, State Regional Archives in Třeboň).
  3. Development of a methodological framework for the documentation of victims of the national socialist persecution of „gypsies“ - in cooperation with members of the advisory board.
  4. Development of the basic structure of the database of victims of the national socialist persecution of „gyspies“, including rules for the assignment of permissions for the access to the data, archival sources and further materials to be implemented into the database; consultation of the advisory board and the project partners Museum of Roma Culture (MRK) and Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance (DÖW) and subsequently, implementation of the results into the structure of the database.
  5. Systematic research for further relevant archival materials, processing of the found materials and beginning of the integration of those documents into the database.

Project outputs


  1. A basic structure for the database of victims of the national socialist persecution of „gypsies“, including model datasets of victims and archival materials (documents and photographs).
  2. Overview of archival records containing materials related to the project‘s subject.
  3. Establishment of a working group consisting of experts and advisers to assure the quality of the project and its further development regarding the impartation of the project‘s outputs into society‘s majority as well as into the Roma-community.


2nd phase

1. 6. 2018 – 31. 5. 2020


Project activities


  1. Continuation of systematic research in the National Archives in Prague, the Moravian Provincial Archive in Brno and the State Regional Archives in Třeboň.
  2. Systematic research in further archives within the Czech Republic and abroad (State District Archives Liberec, State District Archives Břeclav and Mikulov, The Archives of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oświęcim, Federal Archives Berlin).  
  3. Digitalization of the CT Lety records in the State Regional Archives Třeboň.
  4. Implementation of the lists of inmates of the „gypsy camps“ in Lety u Písku, Hodonín u Kunštátu and Auschwitz-Birkenau published by Ctibor Nečas into the database.
  5. Compilation of selected family histories on grounds of the available archival sources and including the memories of surviving dependants and descendants of victims of the national socialist persecution of „gypsies“.

Planned project outputs


  1. Database containing datasets on the victims of the national socialist persecution of „gypsies“ including name, family name, date and place of birth, date and place of internment, date and place of death etc., depending on the availability of data in the archives and other sources.
  2. Completion of the digitalization of the CT Lety records in the State Regional Archives Třeboň.
  3. Several viable family histories of victims of the national socialist persecution of „gypsies“, which will serve as a means to give the public an understanding of the fate of those who fell victim to the national socialist persecution of „gypsies“.



  • Terezín Initiative Institute, Prague, Czech Republic

Project partners

In cooperation with

Members of the advisory board

  • Karel Holomek, Association of Roma in Moravia, Czech Republic  
  • PhDr. Jana Horváthová, Museum of Roma Culture, Czech Republic  
  • Dr hab. Slawomir Kapralski, Prof. UP, Pedagogical University of Krakow – Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Poland
  • Mirjam-Angela Karoly, OSCE ODIHR, Poland
  • Petr Lhotka, historian, Czech Republic
  • Rudolf Murka, member of the second generation, Czech Republic  
  • Dr. Jörg Osterloh, Fritz Bauer Institute, Germany
  • Frank Reuter, Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, Germany
  • Čeněk Růžička, Committee for the compensation of Roma-victims of the holocaust, Czech Republic
  • Helena Sadílková, Ph.D., Department for Romani Studies, Chair for Central European Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic
  • Marek Szilvási, Europen Roma Rights Centre, Hungary




The Project is supported by




24. 7. 2024

This Wednesday, Thomas and our volunteer Lena accepted the invitation from Beit Theresienstadt and Memos to attend the closing event of the project “From Prague to Prague – In Max Livni’s Footsteps in Czechia, Poland, and Germany.” During the two-week journey, the group, including participants from Israel and Germany, traced the path of Holocaust survivor Max Livni – from Theresienstadt, through Auschwitz, to Kaufering in Bavaria. 

23. 7. 2024

We have published the newest quarterly newsletter, which brings up-to-date information about our activities, projects and events. In this issue, you will learn more about our educational programs, commemorative events, and new publications that contribute to preserving the memory of Holocaust victims and promoting historical awareness in society.

17. 7. 2024

On 24-27 June 2024, the first of three workshops commemorating the Holocaust of the Roma and Sinti took place in Brno. The programme included a visit to the Holocaust Memorial of Roma and Sinti in Hodonín u Kunštátu and the only joint memorial of Jews and Roma located in Brno. The Museum of Romani Culture hosted the workshop. Future workshops will take place in Berlin and Warsaw. The goal of the program is to prepare teachers and museum professionals to work with this topic, and to further educate society. Dana Gabaľová is participating in the workshops on behalf of the Terezín Initiative Institute. She has been working with this topic for a long time, among other endeavors as a curator and co-author of the first version of the exhibition "Lety - The Story of a Forgotten Genocide".


2. 7. 2024

The last two days of this June were dedicated to the project of rescuing and revitalizing the original textile factory of the Löw-Beer family in Brno, known from the story of Oskar Schindler and his wife Emilie, who saved more than 1300 Jews during the Holocaust. A museum and an educational programme centre will be built in the former factory.

28. 6. 2024

On Thursday, 27 June 2024, we gathered at the Academia Literary Café for the launch of Tomáš Kraus' book, which bears witness to our recent past. The book is about life in socialist Czechoslovakia in the second half of the 20th century from the perspective of someone whose parents both survived the Holocaust. What was the cultural and social scene like then?

Many guests attended the launch, including Jiří Drahoš, First Deputy President of the Senate of the Czech Republic, and Tomáš Töpfer, actor, director, scriptwriter, former theatre director and senator.

The book is available in bookstores and online.


26. 6. 2024

June 28th marks 56 years since the Stonewall Riots. Since 1970, June has been celebrated as Pride Month, and serves to support and celebrate queer folks. It commemorates the riot, which took place in the US, and was a pivotal moment in LGBTQ+ rights movement. It’s a time for remembrance and celebration, and a reminder of the ongoing fight against discrimination and the need for continued progress toward full equality.

At Terezin Initiative Institute, our mission is to remember Holocaust victims, research contemporary documents to return victims their faces and stories, and to leverage the knowledge and understanding acquired to promote tolerance, equality, and help maintain a pluralistic society through education.

26. 6. 2024

Tomáš Kraus, director of the Terezín Initiative Institute, will launch his book, Next, Please. The literary event will take place on Thursday, 27 June 2024 at 5 pm at the Academia Literary Café, 24 Václavské náměstí, Prague 1.
Tomáš Kraus' book is a testimony to our recent past. What was life like in socialist Czechoslovakia in the second half of the 20th century from the perspective of someone whose parents both survived the Holocaust? What was the cultural and social scene like then?

You are all cordially invited.