Lecture: Jewish Personalities
25. 06. 2024
Yesterday, 24 June, JUDr. Tomáš Kraus, Director of the Terezín Initiative Institute, gave a lecture introducing Jewish personalities.
The lecture took place at the Jewish School in Jičín and introduced famous Jewish personalities such as Emil Kolben and Franz Kafka. The topics discussed with the students included:
What was the contribution of the Jews in the context of their history?
Who are the prominent representatives of various fields of human activity, not only literature, fine arts, science or industry, but also film or fashion?
Read also
- "Antisemitism and Us", Teachers' Seminar
- Invitation to the Workshop "Become an Upstander" by afyn.cz
- Just an Ordinary Day
- TII Statement on November 9
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- Book release Gas, Gas, Then Fire
- Workshop "Just an Ordinary Day"
- Human Rights Anchored in International Law
- Networking workshop: ‘Places of Nazi forced labour in northern Bohemia and Saxony’