Call for your video Clip

16. 05. 2024

Anne Frank Youth Network - Your voice against discrimination, prejudice and racism!

On June 12, 2024, we commemorate the 95th anniversary of Anne Frank's birth.

Anne's diary has profoundly impacted millions of young minds worldwide, inspiring them with her thoughts and ideals. Even today, her legacy resonates through the voices of countless youth who continue to share and uphold her values.

In light of this, the Anne Frank Youth Network in the Czech Republic is launching a project to honor her life through short video testimonials. We invite everyone, particularly young individuals, to contribute their reflections on why Anne Frank's narrative remains relevant and what her legacy signifies to them. These video clips will be featured on the ITI's social media profiles.

Here are some guidelines for the videos:

  • Duration should be between 30 and 40, but should not exceed 90 seconds.
  • Please film with 9:16/vertical format for optimal viewing.
  • Ensure high-quality audio recording.
  • Videos can be in either Czech or English.

To facilitate your contributions, we suggest addressing the following questions, though you're welcome to share additional insights about Anne and her impact:

  • Who is Anne Frank to you?
  • Why is it important to learn about her life and experiences?
  • In what ways does Anne's story continue to hold relevance today, and what lessons do you draw from it?

Kindly submit your videos via Google Forms by May 31st 2024, allowing us time for editing and publication. Your submission implies consent for us to use the videos for promotional and educational purposes, which will be shared across our social media platforms.

Should you have any queries, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We look forward to your participation!

You will receive an email after we released the clips on our social media.

If questions occur before the event, please do not hesitate and get in touch with Thomas, who is in charge of the Anne Frank Youth Network:


Want to know more about AFYN? You can find further information via our website under the AFYN project or via


Make sure to follow the Instagram of the Terezín Initiative Institute and the Anne Frank Youth Network.